Sunday, October 3, 2010

Art Creations by Meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I admit that I'm the one posting all the comics. I'll get some publicity already okay?

Anyways, today I've decided to talk about art. Just yesterday I made the following things using my modeling clay. I made a snowman, a frosted doughnut, and a Indian dudes face with clay hair!!!!!! But I need to fix the snowman. And at school, for science we nad to do a project on a randomly assigned biome. A biome is a large ecosystem, just so you know. And an ecosystem is a place where plants and animals can live together in peace. Anyways, my groups project biome was the ocean. And for every groups project, they had to build a three dimensional model. And, personally, I think that my groups project model was the best by far. We worked soooooooooooo hard, what with all the glitter painting, hanging all the toy fish, and making everything look perfect. Pure artistic genius I tell you. It could have looked better if we hadn't used as much glitter paint on the top (pretty, shiny). But it still looks pretty. I'm soooooo proud of it!!!! I'm sure we'll do good. You see, I'm a little worried because that one project counts for half of our final grade. That's right. 50% of my final grade. So I have reason to be scared.